The agenda of III ESG Congress
The agenda of III ESG Congress – Europe – Leaders of Sustainable Development will be presented during the conference announcing the event, in which:
- We will present the agenda of III ESG Congress;
- We will organize an expert debate on “Are we ready for the ESG?” – we will check whether entrepreneurs are ready to report on sustainable development actions and how the public and non-governmental sectors can help Polish companies implement the CSRD and what is the state of awareness of small and medium-sized enterprises;
- We will be presenting the ESG CODE awards for the first time.
Get to know the agenda of the event
9:30 – 10:00 Official opening of the congress - speeches by the organisers and honorary partners
Special guest speaker:
- Marcin Wiącek – Ombudsman
10:00 – 10:10 Leader's speech: David Evangelista, Regional President & Managing Director, Special Olympics Europe Eurasia
10:10 – 11:10 Panel no 1: ESG challenges
Moderator: Wojciech Szeląg, redaktor editor, TVP Info
When we talk about sustainability, we first think of the energy transformation, combating climate change and the green industrial revolution. However, no less important than environmental issues are those related to social responsibility. In order to meet society’s needs, to improve our quality of life – we first need to define the problems and then set about solving them. When we do this, we may find that the ‘S’ factor is also the basis for ‘E’ and ‘G’. We will not introduce solutions to stop climate change if we do not address social concerns.
- dr hab. Adam Niewiadomski, university professor, University of Warsaw, Chair of Agricultural Law and Food Safety System
- prof. Piotr H. Skarżyński, World Hearing Forum, WHO Expert
- Przemysław Kulik, Head of CSR and Sustainability Reporting, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (national holding bank)
- Aleksandra Robaszkiewicz, Head of Corporate Communications & CSR, Lidl Polska
- Rafał Rudzki, ESG Director, Żabka Group
- Katarzyna Dubno, Director of External Relations, ESG and Health Economics, Adamed Pharma S.A.
- Filip Osadczuk, Director of External Relations, ESG and Health Economics
11:10 – 11:20 Leader's speech: dr hab. Aleksandra Przegalińska, Vice-Chancellor for International Cooperation, Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
11:20 – 12:10 Panel no 2: Corporate social responsibility in the age of AI
Moderator: Karol Tokarczyk, Senior analyst for the digital economy, Polityka Insight
How should the business world use AI responsibly? Does AI need to be involved in recruitment? Can the mood of employees, contractors and customers be analysed through facial recognition technology? What are positive examples of the use of AI in banking, industry, construction, agriculture, healthcare, culture and environmental efforts? Will humans still be needed?
- Maciej Chojnowski, Co-founder and Programme Director of the Centre for Ethics in Technology at the Humanites Institute, Member of the AI working group at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Author of the publication “Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. An Introduction”
- Pamela Krzypkowska, Deputy Director, Ministry of Digitalisation
- dr Damian Flisak, Legal Counsel, Expert Team Europe Direct, European Commission Representation in Poland
- Ryszard Hordyński, Director of Strategy and Communications, Huawei Poland
- Radosław Kozieja, CEO, COGIT
12:10 – 12:30 Conversation: People with intellectual disabilities - equality in diversity in sport, life and work
Konrad Dębniak, Special Olympics Poland Leader and Athlete and Remigiusz Woźniak, Coach of Special Olympics Poland, Member of the Regional Committee of Special Olympics Świętokrzyskie, will talk about equality in sports, life and work. The conversation will be moderated by Michał Olszański, journalist, Special Olympics Poland Ambassador.
12:30 – 12:40 Leader's speech Martyna Zastawna, Founder and Owner of WoshWosh, Promoter and educator of responsible fashion consumption and less waste culture
12:40 – 13:30 Panel no 3: Sustainable consumption - the winding road to a Circular Economy
Moderator: Sebastian Ogórek, head of
Over-consumption is a major problem facing the modern world. The consequence of this is a very harmful impact on the environment. We can talk about waste – this is particularly evident in the e-commerce industry: tonnes of plastic, oversized packaging, huge amounts of transported air, disposable packaging. We are drowning in rubbish, yet waste can and should be reused. How do we manage resources wisely? How do we stop wasting raw materials? What solutions should be introduced to improve the state of our planet?
- Stefan Krajewski, Sekretarz Stanu, Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi
- Martyna Zastawna, Founder and Owner of WoshWosh, Promoter and educator of responsible fashion consumption and less waste culture
- Michał Purol, Chief Sustainability Officer, UNEP Grid
- Joanna Jaroch-Pszeniczna, Director General, French-Polish Chamber of Commerce
- Katarzyna Kala -Kowalska, Board Member, DS Smith
- Daniel Moczulski, Region Manager – Poland and Baltics, LONGi Solar
13:30 – 13:40 Leaders speech: Łukasz Szeliga, President, Polish Paralympic Committee
13:40 – 14:30 Panel no 4: The excluded - how to eliminate inequalities?
Moderator: Marcin Piasecki, Editor, Publicist, Rzeczpospolita
Only 1/3 of Poles believe that different social groups can feel comfortable, that we are open and tolerant. What are the most excluded groups? We have 3 million people with disabilities in Poland, with 2.5 million of them not in employment. Another topic is age discrimination. Ageism is overlooked as long as it does not affect us personally. How do we build a truly inclusive organisation in which every potential is properly utilised? What barriers do older people and those with disabilities face in their career paths? How do we effectively eliminate inequalities in employment? According to World Bank estimates, addressing inequalities in the labour market could result in a 14 per cent increase in wealth globally.
- Saba-Gabrielle Moussa, UK ButterfLies LTD/ EDU SMART
- Beata Dziekanowska, IA&CC Manager, Ferrero
- Anna Wardecka, Managing Director of HR, PZU Group
- Marek Kuzaka, CEO, AMS
- Łukasz Krasoń, Sekretarz Stanu, Pełnomocnik Rządu ds. Osób Niepełnosprawnych, Ministerstwo Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej
14:30 – 15:00 – Break
15:00 – 15:10 Leader's speech: Sebastian Bykowski, President, PSMM – Monitoring & More – Presentation of the report "The Role of the Media in Building ESG Awareness"
15:10 – 16:00 Panel no 5: Who will gain and who will lose from ESG - how to convince the unconvinced?
Moderatorka: Karolina Hytrek-Prosiecka, Economic journalist
ESG has its enthusiasts and staunch opponents. Can we find a common denominator? Are we talking about the same thing but in different ways? How to see the benefits while avoiding the risks? How to seize the opportunity?
- dr hab. Piotr Wachowiak, Professor and Rector, Warsaw School of Economics
- Tomasz Wróblewski, President, Warsaw Enterprise Institute
- Fabrizio Zucca, Bocconi University, Italy
- Jerzy Bochyński, President, Institute for Eastern Studies
- dr Agata Molisz, Ekspertka, CSRinfo
- Aleksandra Kowal, CSR Officer, HASCO-LEK S.A.
- Henryka Bochniarz, Chairperson of the General Council, Lewiatan Confederation
16:00 – 16:10 Leader's speech: prof Przemysław Litwiniuk, Member, Monetary Policy Council
16:10 – 17:00 Panel nr 6: The power of ESG - how ESG implementation leads to innovation and competitiveness
Moderatorka: Agnieszka Zaręba, Economic editor, Radio Zet, Forbes Women
Companies are paying increasing attention to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) aspects. Taking ESG-related measures enables them to meet the growing expectations of stakeholders, changing regulations and increasing sustainability challenges. In addition, ESG becomes an impetus to find innovative solutions, optimise processes and reduce waste, as well as to find creative solutions. Will ESG allow companies to gain an edge? What ESG-related innovations can bring success to a company?
- Minister for Development and Technology (TBC)
- Krzysztofa Bełz, ESG Strategy Manager, Alior Bank
- Karolina Opielewicz, Member of the Management Board, National Chamber of Commerce
- Krzysztof Krystowski, President, Polish Cluster Employers’ Association
- Ilona Pieczyńska-Czerny, Director, PwC Poland
- Iwona Waksmundzka-Olejniczak, Członek Zarządu ds. Strategii i Zrównoważonego Rozwoju, ORLEN
17:00 – 17:10 Conclusion of the Congress
17:20 – 20:00 – Networking
Prowadzący: Sebastian Ogórek, Redaktor naczelny,
- Wpływ konsumentów na politykę firm
- Kształtowanie potrzeb i postaw
- Jak ważna jest edukacja proekologiczna?
- Drugi obieg – nowe modne sformułowanie czy nowa rzeczywistość branży modowej i nie tylko?
- Andrzej Szejna – Poseł na Sejm, Wiceprzewodniczący Parlamentarnego Zespołu ds. Ochrony Praw Konsumentów i Przedsiębiorców
- Szymon Ziobrowski – Dyrektor, Tatrzański Park Narodowy
Anna Czartoryska-Niemczycka – Aktorka, Propagatorka ruchu zero waste - Katarzyna Kosakowska – Wiceprzewodnicząca Komisji Krajowej, Ogólnopolski Związek Zawodowy Samozatrudnionych „wBREw”
- Kamila Koźbiał – Head of Marketing East Europe, DS Smith
- Wiktoria Płocha – Sustainability Business Partner, IKEA Retail Poland