III ESG Congress
III ESG Congress
Europe - Leaders of Sustainable Development
The event will take place on January 31, 2024 in Warsaw in a hybrid form.

III ESG Congress is a platform for dialog for European leaders in sustainable development – representatives of public administration, business, NGOs, scientific communities, experts, and the media. The theme of the III ESG Congress – Europe – Leaders of Sustainable Development will be the social changes taking place in Europe and the labor market. This does not mean that we forget about the “E” and the “G”, but rather that we will analyze the issues of environmental protection and corporate governance through the prism of social change.
The first ESG Congress was established in 2022 to provide a forum for dialog between government representatives, business (ESG leaders), NGOs, academia, experts, and the media to promote ESG reporting and the implementation of sustainable development principles. We organized this first round table on ESG issues in Poland shortly after work on the CSRD and European standards for reporting on sustainable development issues started in the EU.
The last two editions of the Congress brought together over 8,000 guests, experts, and participants, and the recommendations and conclusions of both editions of the event reached over 5.5 million people. The time has come to present the results of the ESG Congress experts’ work on the European arena, and thus create a European platform for dialog on ESG issues. On 31 January 2024, III ESG Congress – Europe – sustainable development leaders will be held.
Social issues are not only about ensuring the comfort of work but above all about proper management of human capital, introducing a corporate culture, and conducting proper relationships with contractors. Promoting diversity, implementing inclusive programs for excluded groups, and ensuring equal opportunities for women, seniors and people with disabilities are among the most important tasks for governments and businesses. All the changes we are making today are being made with a view to a common, better future. To quote the first sentence of the WCED report from 1987. – Our common future: „Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Let us tap into the potential and opportunities of our society as a whole – a great opportunity to grow our economy faster and bring about changes that are good for our planet.
III ESG Congress – Europe – Leaders of Sustainable Development – Europe is an initiative of sustainable development leaders for the ESG ecosystem in Europe. It is a forum for dialog between government, business (ESG leaders), NGOs, academia, experts, and the media to promote ESG reporting and the implementation of sustainable development principles.
Participation in the ESG Congress
The 3rd ESG Congress – Leaders of Sustainable Development – Europe will be held on January 31, 2024 in Warsaw, at the Central House of Technology.
One can take part in III ESG Congress – Europe – Leaders of Sustainable Development –
Europe in two formulas:
- online – access for everyone,
- stationary – in the Central House of Technology in Warsaw: for speakers and representatives of the Partners of III ESG Congress.
See reports from events
When we talk about sustainable development, we think first of all about the energy transition, the fight against climate change, and the green industrial revolution. However, important environmental issues are those related to social responsibility. To meet the needs of society, and improve our quality of life – we must first of all define the problems and then proceed to solve them. When we do this, we may find that the ‘S’ factor also provides the basis for ‘E’ and ‘G’.
We will not put in place solutions to stop climate change if we do not address social issues. How can we talk about reducing food production in Europe, for example, if we have the prospect of hunger in other parts of the world? Other solutions are needed by the populations of developed countries, while representatives of developing countries have other priorities, and yet other priorities are pursued by the poor countries. At the III ESG Congress – Europe – Leaders of Sustainable Development we want to show the S as the heart of the ESG, but immediately explain that the ESG is only right as a whole, as the interaction of all three areas, namely environmental, social, governance. We need to think about sustainability in a broader context.
We want to show that the heart of the ESG beats in the rhythm of “S”. We will invite experts from Europe to discuss the needs and problems of modern societies. We will share experiences and compare solutions, tools, and trends and discuss a common and better future for future generations.
Conference announcing the 3rd ESG Congress and the ESG CODE awards

The agenda of III ESG Congress – Europe – Leaders of Sustainable Development will be presented on October 2 during the conference of the ESG Institute, in which:
- we will present the agenda of III ESG Congress – Europe – Leaders of Sustainable Development;
- we will organize an expert debate on “Are we ready for the ESG?” – we will check whether entrepreneurs are ready to report on sustainable development actions and how the public and non-governmental sectors can help Polish companies implement the CSRD and what is the state of awareness of small and medium-sized enterprises;
- We will be presenting the ESG CODE awards for the first time.
The ESG CODE is an award for companies and institutions whose strategies are based on the idea of sustainable development and whose good practices are an example to others. The jury rewards strategies, initiatives, innovations, products, and services that show that the idea of ESG is not a fashion or a top-down compulsion, but real benefits for the environment, people, and businesses.

The prize is awarded in five categories:
The “Personality” Code category will reward those who make a particular contribution to promoting the realization of the ESG idea. This category will reward those from institutions, companies, or NGOs that support responsible businesses and are particularly committed to the fight for environmental protection, human rights, and the implementation of good business practices.
Environment: „E” CODE
Under the “E” Code, award-winning companies must demonstrate what they are doing to combat climate change.
„S” CODE: Society
Under the „S” Code, award-winning companies must demonstrate what they are doing to promote social change, diversity and inclusive programs, and corporate social responsibility.
„G” CODE: corporate governance
Under the „G” Code, award-winning companies must demonstrate what they are doing to implement initiatives, rules, and principles of good practice in companies and institutions.
In the “Media” Code category, prizes will be awarded to the journalists who contribute to raising awareness of the ESG – the challenges and responsibilities involved, and the benefits of change.
The press team of the ESG Congress is at the disposal of media representatives. Feel free to contact us, also regarding obtaining journalistic accreditation.
- Informacja prasowa: Nagrody KOD ESG rozdane. Znamy liderów zrównoważonego rozwoju + FOTO [2 października 2023 r.] (.zip 962 KB)
- Informacja prasowa: ESG – mówmy językiem korzyści i konkretów (4 października 2023 r.) [zip. 4,9 MB]
- logo Instytutu ESG (.zip 130KB)
- Damian Kuraś, dyrektor Instytutu ESG (.zip 225 KB)
Media Contact
Katarzyna Kozieł
tel. +48 663 002 350
e-mail: kongres@fundacjaxbw.pl
Kongres ESG w mediach
- Polityka zrównoważonego rozwoju – Kongres ESG
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- Liderzy zrównoważonego rozwoju na rzecz ekosystemu ESG
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